Fixed multiselect groups and lock, hide, etc using the last clicked group instead of the untitled group {Stephen Bruce} Fixed multiselect groups selecting hidden and locked cps Fixed mulitselect groups manipulator not drawing around last group when adding to an existing multiselection Fixed Stereo Fixed trouble loading 8.5 path constraints Fixed blobby size only working on instance {Stephen Bruce} Fixed not being able to select drivers of rotate property etc, only transform Fixed bulbs having penumbra option {Patrick Clarke} Fixed cancel from missing image leaving an empyt image Fixed Constant and Timebased Driver crash {Mikael Pettersen} Fixed surface shader styles set in action {Mikael Pettersen} Fixed import model into model not getting all bones and crashing {Pablo Schmid} Fixed shaded without wireframe views not loading {James} When loading 8.5 projects, chor actions place constraints in the Model Bone Folder in the correct order.